Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Putting the little 3-bank together again (and a nickname)

After cleaning the bits, put together again quickly. The Klein-Adler with lots of sliding parts in the typing-mechanism is vulnerable to dirt - a thorough cleaning and removal of decades of patina (oxidation) should make it work much better. The keys go in fairly easily, slotted into the comb and with a single spring.

The typebars can be slotted in from above - the whole mechanism looks simple and elegant. This was not the first version of this mechanism they made, for sure.

The cleaning did make it better, it now types very well - 'snappy' even. It unfortunately has a rock-hard platen, but with one or two backing-sheets it types great.

This little 3-bank typewriter is the first machine here that got a nickname. The reason for that was - to start with - that it has a wooden leg (one foot had been replaced with a cork, painted black):

And that it has one shiny nickel and one black spool; the machine does look as if it has an eyepatch:

To add to the story; it has a scar on its visage (broken glass of the 'O' key):

And to round it off; silver buttons on its coat:

Of course this Klein-Adler got nicknamed Short John Silver ;-)

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