The original ink rolls of my Blickensderfer were hard and dried out. Whilst it is written on The Internet that these can be revived, decided instead to have a go at making new ink rolls. It is also written on The Internet that gun-cleaning felts of 7 mm diameter are a good substitute.
The local gun shop only had 6.5 mm in stock - so used those instead of 7 mm. (The original hardened rolls I have, are now between 7 and 8 mm 'diameter' and not quite round anymore. Given the close spacing to the platen and needing to clear the Paper Guide, I'd have expected 1/4" as likely diameter. But maybe the originals were 5/16" or some such fractional dimension. Until an original factory drawing or purchasing specification turns up, it'll probably remain a bit of a guess.)
Gun-barrel cleaning felts are too wide to fit the bracket on the machine, space between the bracket fork is around 9 mm. The hole in the pads is a bit 'vague' too, so started by soaking some of the felts in hot water. Left in the water for ~3 minutes for the wool to be properly wet.
The fully hydrated felt taken out and cut to length (or width) with a sharp knife. Wool (=hair =keratin) should be much easier to cut when fully hydrated. In retrospect, might also try simply cutting with large scissors.
After cutting to ~8mm width, the cylinders were pushed over a 2 mm knitting needle and left to dry. This makes a nice, clean 2 mm central hole in the felt cylinders.
Original ink rolls are a dense felt on a central brass tube. These new felt rolls already work fine on the machine without a central brass tube. The main thing is that the felt should not be too wide. If it doesn't touch the sides of the machine's bracket, it will rotate fine. As extra, a bit of glue (water-resistant type) can be spread round the inside of the hole and let fully set - this will prevent the hole from 'collapsing' and getting stuck on the pin.
However, in the interest of historical authenticity decided to add a brass centre. Acquired some brass tube of 2 mm diameter and 0.25 wall thickness - i.e. has ~1.5 mm internal diameter to fit nicely round the ~1.4 mm pin of the Ink Frame (i.e. the fork bracket that holds the ink roll).
To cut lengths of brass tube, a jig was made by gluing coffee-stirrer sticks to a scrap bit of wood. A channel to hold the tube and a stop-strip to easily set the length to saw off.
This makes it relatively easy to quickly saw off multiple short tubes all with a length of just-under 9 mm. After sawing, of course file the ends clean and remove any burr.
Then inserted the tubes into the dried felt cylinders. Experimented with different glues; regular hobby-glue, PVA glue and even cyanoacrylate. Tweezers for the felt and the tube pushed over a toothpick to keep fingers well away. None of the options were ideal.
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