Friday, November 7, 2014

Model C from Belgium

In the school playground I remember seeing other kids with the red Viewmaster (or View-Master), but never paid much attention. Vaguely remember looking in one and 'not getting it'. Until the recent post on i-dream-lo-tech about these stereoscopes, I hadn't realized how long they've been around for. That post made me very curious to experience one of these again.

The bakelite Model C (as I learnt) is remarkably common and before long a viewer that was made in the Belgian factory made its way to here. (From the hive-mind that is the internet this viewer can be dated as mid-fifties. The Belgian factory started 1953, the model C being sold up to 1956.) 

No different from the Portland-made viewers, but 'Made in Belgium' and with text mainly in French. Complete with instruction card (remove before use).

With already a few reels dating from the same period - I 'get it' now. The kids by the way also 'get it', were totally wow-ed by the images.

By now the 3D images have the added dimension of time. The views of Windsor Castle e.g. are very period typical, right down to a proper bobby pointing the way in the first image.

Nice :)

(Thank you Ton!)


  1. I can remember hours of joy viewing my VM disks as a kid. I recently picked up a set of stereoscopic slides from a "Realist" camera and simple viewer. I was instantly reminded of how much I enjoyed the experience (Not to mention the voyeuristic thrill of looking at a strangers slide collection).

  2. This is cool, glad to hear you found a Model C. Yours looks to be in fine condition and with the box intact too. Enjoy!

  3. It is an experience even now - an oculus rift with still-images - still magic how the views pop with depth :)
