Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Re-assembled carriage of Mignon 4 index typewriter

Not the most readable typeface, I'll admit - fun to be able to use though :)

A few more pictures would have helped find the spot for the small line-feed helper-lever, but it went together again and now all very clean.

Still have to manufacture two new springs for pressing the ruler onto the platen. Turns out that those springs are essential to keep the paper properly onto the platen, to solve the ghosting or shadowing.

The one spring that I left out here on the board. It's definitely an original part, but it seems way over-the-top to have three of these stiff torsion-springs. The pressure of two of these is enough - better to have a symmetrical load on the rollers too.

Little wonder that so many Mignon machines have flat feed-rollers; the spring-pressure is weirdly high.

This machine is surprisingly fun to use; a bit cumbersome, but fun. These were genuinely used as typewriters in their day; e.g. the keys of this specimen show a wear-pattern consistent with actual, serious use.

With a bit more tweaking, a 'cheap-n-cheerful' Mignon is turning out to be a fun-machine. Maybe even worth getting the platen re-covered (extravagance for an old index-typewriter!)


  1. Those are really interesting machines.

    I do like the typeface.

    1. Admission: have been experimenting with typefaces - it does add to the interest of these index-machines :-)
